If you find yourself considering declaring bankruptcy or are already in the middle of doing so, then you have probably seen what those in the credit industry think about it. They try to tell you that people who file for bankruptcy are not worth anything and just trying to scam the system. They say that it is just an easy way out and that the ones doing it aren’t trying to find another option.
What they don’t tell you is that their predatory lending practices, frivolous late fees, and high interest rates are huge factors in forcing millions of Americans into bankruptcy.
It’s true there are some out there abusing the system, but the vast majority who need bankruptcy protection are honest people who need help. The good news for you is the law is on your side. We can protect you from creditor harassment and help you eliminate your debts. We have over 50 years of experience figuring out solutions to financial problems. We have eight locations in the greater Chicago area for your convenience and offer a free consultation and free parking at each location.
Creditors who think you are a bad person for filing a bankruptcy really don’t understand the fact that it’s easy to get into financial trouble. Maybe your debt resulted from unexpected medical bills or perhaps you lost your job. It’s difficult to prepare for these types of tragedies. The truth is, hard times can hit any person.
If you need help, call us today at 312-273-1217. Set up a free consultation with one of our attorneys. We’ll listen carefully to your case and answer any questions you have. Then we’ll guide you step-by-step through the process. Each office has free parking and night/weekend appointments available. Call now! You’ll be glad you did.
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Berwyn IL Bankruptcy Attorneys | Bankruptcy Process
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