Most people realize that bankruptcy isn’t the cure for all ills. It can bring disadvantages too great for some people to handle. However, if you are stuck in a bad financial situation, and decide you have no way out, it may be the right choice.
How can you be sure? One way is to get the advice of a good law firm like Zalutsky & Pinski LTD. We can offer you the advice you need from the convenience of our 8 Chicago area offices. We’ve been helping people in Homewood and throughout Illinois for more than 50 years offering our clients personalized solutions for their financial woes.
We know bankruptcy is considered a social stigma and rightly should be considered a last resort, but we also believe that bankruptcy can be a solution, not a problem to helping you in your time of financial woe. Therefore, it’s a good idea to see what bankruptcy can do for your situation before you decide what course of action to pursue.
If you’re in a bad situation, the only way to get out of it is by making sound decisions. The law is designed to protect you and get you back on sound financial footing. Why not get the law on your side?
Zalutsky & Pinski LTD can help you choose the right path for you. Call us today from Homewood or anywhere else in the Chicago area at 312-273-1217 to set up a free consultation. Parking is free and we even offer night/weekend appointments. Call today!
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