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Если вы думаете, что вы единственный сталкиваются с финансовыми трудностями, подумайте еще раз. Есть много известных членов нашего общества, которые полагались на банкротство, чтобы помочь получить свою финансовую жизнь в порядок. Вот несколько знаменитостей:

" Честный Эйб " Авраам Линкольн

Abe Lincoln was so deep in debt that when he sold all of his assets it barely covered half of the owed debt. Although he was a brilliant leader, Он был не настолько сообразительны, как владелец бизнеса. He purchased a general store as a young man and throughout the years continued to purchase store inventories on credit, even with not making a profit from the sale in his own store.

Eventually he sold his share in the stores but was left with back taxes when his business partner died. Lincoln sold his surveying gear and his horse and continued to make payments on his bad debts until the mid 1840’s when he filed bankruptcy.

Авраам Линкольн был не только президентом банкротство, others included Ulysses S. Грант на плохое предприятие инвестиционно-банковских, Thomas Jefferson for living above his means and William McKinley who owed more than $130,000 В безнадежных долгов в то время как губернатор штата Огайо.

Генри Форд

Генри Форд начал компания Detroit Automobile в 1899 with the assistance of three politicians. Он производится только 20 cars in the period of the next two years due to his perfectionism and this led to a bankruptcy in 1901 для компании. В 1903 Форд начал более, beginning the Henry Ford Motor Company and became a very rich man with his new success.

Walt Disney

Вы можете быть удивлены, обнаружив, что в 1922 Walt Disney started a film company in Kansas with a silent partner. After purchasing used equipment and producing a few short advertisements and
cartoons and even signed with a New York studio with the newly labeled Laugh-O_Gram studios.
The deal fell through and New York seemed to swallow up the new, young entrepreneur and Walt Disney was left with no other choice than to file for bankruptcy in 1923. The failure did not keep Walt down, he moved to Hollywood and Mickey Mouse was born and the rest is history.


Милтон Херши

Hershey candy may have never been is if we’re not for the persistence of Milton Hershey. He apprenticed in a candy shop as a young boy and learned his trade, делает конфеты. Он начал свою собственную компанию в 1876 в Филадельфии и в течение шести лет уже обанкротилась. He tried to sell his sweets on the streets of New York but was unable to make a success of that either. Когда он вернулся в свой родной город, Ланкастер, PA and began the Lancaster Caramel Company he had finally found his meal ticket. Компания продана за $1 million dollars and with that money he invested in the Hershey Company that still today produces the best milk
Шоколадные конфеты на землю.

H.J. Скамеечка для снимания сапог

Хотя сегодня компания стоит более $10 миллиардов долларов, он начал шаткой для Хайнц и его брата. The company first began as a manufacturer of horseradish and in 1827 бизнес обанкротился, leaving a bad taste in the mouths of those who invested in it.

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